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Goddess Athena at the Met

The author is Johanna Baldwin, Times Square Chronicles
I went in search of one gold coin. Having heard about The Met’s exhibition, Pergamon and the Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Ancient World, I was sure to find what I was looking for. The particular coin I wanted to see was given to the heroine in my novel, All (Wo)men Desire to Know, that takes her on a mystical journey to the world of the Ancient Greek Philosophers. Plato had given my heroine a coin from his pocket to prove there are no true circles, that the edges of coins are imperfect. She examined the ancient coin closely running her fingers along its edges, and then stared at a woman’s image on the face of the coin. It was Athena – Goddess of Athens – with an owl’s open wings and olive leaves that tells the world that Athens is powerful, victorious and peace-loving.
One of my favorite cities is Athens. Yet most of us can’t afford to just jump on a plane and be where we want to be in a moment’s thought. Even with Greece’s current challenging disposition, I yearn for the heat of the city. Last time I wanted to be in Athens, I went to The Met instead, which my partner considers to be his church. The Met has a spiritual quality with all the cultures and languages and art cohabitating together.
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“All (Wo)men Desire To Know”


Author Johanna Baldwin discusses writing her debut novel

Internationally acclaimed best-selling author Dr. Raymond Moody talks about Johanna Baldwin’s debut novel “All (Wo)men Desire To Know” being published by Lisa Hagan Books.

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baldwin_book_3All (Wo)men Desire To Know is a journey of love and loss that takes a woman to the mysterious world of the Ancient Greek Philosophers.  This moving tale of a lover’s grief is a vibrant, poetic, musical portrait of intimacy steeped in Ancient Mysticism.  Baldwin’s courageous, relentless heroine tackles life’s sacred questions through dialogues and spiritual practices from the Founders of Western Thought themselves. Inspired by Dr. Raymond Moody’s course, Wisdom Lovers, Baldwin’s debut novel is unique, surprising and uplifting. Continue Reading

«All (Wo)men Desire To Know»: Το νέο μυθιστόρημα της Johanna Baldwin

Εμπνευσμένο από την Αρχαιοελληνική φιλοσοφία με έμφαση στους Προσωκρατικούς
Της Νάνσυ Μπίσκα
Ένα νέο μυθιστόρημα με τίτλο «All (Wo)men Desire To Know» της Αμερικανίδας συγγραφέως  Johanna Baldwin, εμπνευσμένο από την αρχαιοελληνική φιλοσοφία, κυκλοφόρησε την Τετάρτη από τις εκδόσεις Lisa Hagan Books στη Νέα Υόρκη.
Το βιβλίο στηρίζεται στην έρευνα του γνωστού φιλέλληνα Αμερικανού φιλοσόφου, γιατρού, ψυχολόγου και συγγραφέα Raymond A. Moody. Ο Δρ. Moody έγινε παγκόσμια γνωστός από τον όρο «Εμπειρία κοντά στον θάνατο», (near-death experience, NDE) που επινόησε το 1975 και κατέγραψε στο best selling βιβλίο του «Life After Death» πού πούλησε πάνω από 20.000.000 αντίτυπα.


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