
Educators honor Greek Independence

Greek News, MARCH 19TH, 2007
New York.- Journalist extraordinaire, Nancy Biska delivered a powerful speech at the Hellenic American Educators Association of the United Federation of Teachers annual Hellenic Heritage Event, on March 15th, at their Manhattan headquarters. The colorful evening provided a celebratory prelude to Greek Independence Day, commemorated world-wide, on March 25th.

Ms. Biskaʼs presentation was preceded by the opening remarks of the Hellenic American Educators Association President, Ms. Demi Savopolis, who warmly greeted those in attendance. Among the notables present was Mrs. Stella Kokkolis, who is the President of the Federation of Greek-American Educators; also the esteemed Board of Director for the Federation of Greek-American Educators, Ms. Adriana Filiotis. “The lecture by Nancy Biska was not only very informative but also very documentary and scientific” said Mrs. Kokolis. “Bravo to H.A.E.A. for the entire program. Our Federation is very pleased to see celebrations that try to perpetuate the Hellenic language and our heritage. We wish to our colleagues health and success in their endeavors”.
A delicious buffet of traditional Greek cuisine was provided, for all to enjoy. The Greek-American Folklore Society danced spiritedly to the soulful Greek music.
Ms. Biska provided the framework of the eventʼs theme, with her inspirational speech, “The Power of the Hellenic Language.” Here is an excerpt of her tome: She methodically set out to thoroughly analyze and prove that for the most part, “we all speak the same language that is the Hellenic language.” It was referenced that approximately one third of the English and European languages find their direct roots, in the Greek language. In the same languages, the technical vocabulary that originates from Greek is estimated at two thirds or more. Therefore, one can conclude that billions of people who study and practice technology in their professions and in their daily lives speak Greek!
Her speech came alive with words we all use in our everyday conversations- words of Greek origin; these include many proper names, such as the authorʼs name, Athanasia, which means “immortality” in English. When we think of civilization and of concepts and corresponding words; we think of how very much the Ancient Greeks enriched political thought with words, that hold rich meanings, such as: -democracy, -aristocracy,- plutocracy, -monarchy. Words of Greek origin come to life, in the arena of Mathematics, such as: “geo”(earth); and “metron” (measurement. Architecture comes from: “archi”(chief); and “tecture´(techton/builder). Ms. Biska went on to describe the Greek origin and the derivatives of words, such as: anatomy, anthropology, astronomy, biotechnology, economics, mythology, metaphysics, and hundreds of scientific terms directly received from the Greek language. Hellenism addresses the necessity of human beings for knowledge. American classicists John Heath and Victor Hansen have declared that, “Hellenism will never die.” Bruce Thornton said, “Bring back the Greeks! “ It is contingent upon us to look at the ancient Greeks, who developed critical thinking, in order to define the principle problems of humanity. This thought process would help everyone world-wide to confront and solve the plethora of problems; we all face during these trying times.
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