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Greek News, MARCH 19TH, 2007
New York.- Journalist extraordinaire, Nancy Biska delivered a powerful speech at the Hellenic American Educators Association of the United Federation of Teachers annual Hellenic Heritage Event, on March 15th, at their Manhattan headquarters. The colorful evening provided a celebratory prelude to Greek Independence Day, commemorated world-wide, on March 25th.
Ms. Biskaʼs presentation was preceded by the opening remarks of the Hellenic American Educators Association President, Ms. Demi Savopolis, who warmly greeted those in attendance. Among the notables present was Mrs. Stella Kokkolis, who is the President of the Federation of Greek-American Educators; also the esteemed Board of Director for the Federation of Greek-American Educators, Ms. Adriana Filiotis. “The lecture by Nancy Biska was not only very informative but also very documentary and scientific” said Mrs. Kokolis. “Bravo to H.A.E.A. for the entire program. Our Federation is very pleased to see celebrations that try to perpetuate the Hellenic language and our heritage. We wish to our colleagues health and success in their endeavors”.
A delicious buffet of traditional Greek cuisine was provided, for all to enjoy. The Greek-American Folklore Society danced spiritedly to the soulful Greek music.
Part I-January 15, 2007, Greek News, Interview by: Yvonne A. Montesantos
“Ms. Biska, as a leading proponent of Hellenism, in what ways could we coordinate and interface with the many Greek-American groups more efficiently, in order to re-vitalize Hellenism world-wide?”
Nancy Biska: We Greeks are resourceful, ingenious, creative, megalomaniacs, seekers and, on top of all, we have an opinion about everything. These elements constitute our “big fat Greek ego”. Since the ancient times, Greeks brought into being and achieved great things because of these characteristics. And it was these very characteristics that led to division, to civil wars and in general to our effete position in the global process.
We Greeks abroad feel a great pride for our background and our cultural heritage, something that makes us arrogant and leads us to believe that we deserve recognition and leading positions.
Another egoistic factor for the American Hellenism is the provincialism. The structure of Omogeneia was based on associations of national-topical interest because during the days of immigration this form was subserving socially our compatriots. Nowadays that immigration is in its minimum level, this provincialism stands as an additional barrier, obstructing the cooperation and coordination of the actions of the Greek-American community.
Greek News APRIL 23RD, 2006
Νέα Υόρκη.- Η λειτουργία και η ποιότητα της εκπαίδευσης που παρέχεται από τα ελληνοαμερικανικά charter schools, θέματα που αφορούν στην οικονομική τους ενίσχυση από την ομοσπονδιακή κυβέρνηση, αλλά και ο ρόλος της ελληνικής Πολιτείας στην προώθηση της ελληνόγλωσσης Παιδείας στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες απασχόλησαν το Συμπόσιο που διοργάνωσε το προ-περασμένο Σάββατο στη Νέα Υόρκη το Hellenic Classical Charter School (HCCS) του Μπρούκλιν σε συνεργασία με το Ελληνο-Αμερικανικό Εθνικό Συμβούλιο.
Οι εργασίες του συμποσίου ολοκληρώθηκαν με την απόφαση για τη δημιουργία μιας ειδικής επιτροπής, με τη συμμετοχή των ιδρυτών και των μελών των Δ.Σ. των charter schools, καθώς και όσων πρωτοστάτησαν στην προσπάθεια δημιουργίας τους, η οποία θα παρέχει πληροφορίες και υποστήριξη σε όσους ομογενείς ενδιαφέρονται για τη δημιουργία Σχολείων Τσάρτερ. Η Επιτροπή όπως σημείωσε ο πρόεδρος του Ελληνο- Αμερικανικού Εθνικού Συμβουλίου, Θεόδωρος Σπυρόπουλος, “θα επιδιώξει συνεργασία με την ελληνική πολιτεία και τις αρμόδιες αμερικανικές αρχές για τη διοργάνωση επιμορφωτικών σεμιναρίων και ανταλλαγής προγραμμάτων, εκπαιδευτικών και μαθητών μεταξύ των δύο χωρών».
Greek News, April 17th 2006, Photos Maria Tolios
New York.- The operation and quality of education offered by the Greek American Charter Schools in the United States as well as issues relating to their economic support by the US government, the role of the Greek state etc. were examined at a symposium organized in New York on Saturday by the Greek Classical Charter School in cooperation with the Hellenic American National Council, HANC.